Some information about South-Africa! - Reisverslag uit Nederland, Nederland van Minke - Some information about South-Africa! - Reisverslag uit Nederland, Nederland van Minke -

Some information about South-Africa!

Door: Minke Koekkoek

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Minke

27 November 2018 | Nederland, Nederland

Hi! It's been a long time ago, since I posted something! But I'm back!
This time I'm going to share some information about the place I'm going to, South-Africa, to be precise Genadendal!

So, February 22nd we're leaving the airport. First, we're going to Istanbul when we arrive, we almost immediately go to Capetown. Once we arrive in Capetown we will meet our buddies, together with them we will go by bus to Genadendal, a small town in South-Africa!

Genadendal is a town located in the Western Cape province of South Africa, built on the site of the oldest mission station in the country. It was originally known as Baviaanskloof. It's an approximately 90 minutes drive from Kaapstad. Genadendal has a rich spiritual history and was founded by George Schmidt, a German missionary Moravian Church, who was settled on 23 April 1738 in "Baviaans Kloof". Schmidt got into contact with the Khoi tribe, who were almost completely extincted. A small Christian congregation was formed and Schmidt taught the Khoi how to read and write. Seven years later, after working at Baviaans Kloof, Schmidt had to leave South-Africa and had to go back to Europe. Some missionaries who arrived some time later, were astonished by what Schmidt had taught the inhabitants. The number of inhabitants increased extremely fast, Genadendal became the largest settlement in the colony after Cape Town. It became an important international center, however, it also suffered from the Apartheid and many rights were taken from the inhabitants. Schools were closed because colored people did not have the right for proper education. When Nelson Mandela was chosen as president of South- Africa a lot of things changed, Nelson Mandela even went to visit Genadendal!

Apartheid, unemployment and more

South Africa faces many challenges. ‘Apartheid’ has had a huge impact on the population. ‘Apartheid’ was the official system of racial segregation, it’s the separation of people into racial or ethnic groups in daily life. Different racial groups were treated unequally and had to be separated in different groups based on skin color. The black people got the lowest paid jobs, and they got their own ‘territory’. Of course it’s terrible that the people were treated unfairly. I expect that nowadays, segregation has become much less. However, I am aware of the fact that it’s still going on to some extent. Another big problem is unemployment, almost 25% of the population doesn’t have a job. A lack of education leads to greater income inequality, this causes a lot of unemployment. Moreover, the redistribution of the country is a difficult problem, there hasn’t been a good solution to redistribute the land yet. Many people in South Africa are suffering from AIDS/HIV. In South Africa, 25% of people between the age of 15 till 45 suffer from HIV/AIDS. The country struggles with a water shortage and, in addition to that, there’s hardly any money left for the schools and environment.

I would love to get the know the real South-Africa and I hope to contribute in any way I can!

Hugs and kisses,

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Verslag uit: Nederland, Nederland


Hi everyone! My name is Minke, I'm 14 years old and I live in Holland. I just started the fourth year my HAVO TTO education. I'm joining the bilingual course, because of this I'm going to do an international work experience. So, in February 2019 I'm leaving Holland for 2 weeks, because I'm going to South-Africa! Of course you can track my journey, all the preparations and the journey itself. I'm keeping track of a travel-blog, so, if you want to read everything about this amazing project/journey, your on the right place! Hugs and kisses, Minke

Actief sinds 19 Aug. 2018
Verslag gelezen: 229
Totaal aantal bezoekers 1317

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22 Februari 2019 - 09 Maart 2019

South-Africa 2019

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